Tapered slotline antennas at 802 GHz

Broken linearly tapered endfire slotline antennas (BLTSAs) were fabricated on 1.7- mu m thin SiO/sub 2/-Si/sub 3/N/sub 4/ dielectric membranes. Antenna patterns in the E-, H-, and D-planes were measured at 802 GHz. The -10 dB beamwidths were found to be approximately 40 degrees in all planes, with side lobe levels below -11 dB (-19 dB in the E-plane). The cross-polarized peaks in the D-plane were 8 dB below the copolarized peak. A theoretical model for calculating the E- and H-plane patterns of tapered slotline antenna 10 is extended to include the co- and cross-polarized D-planes. Measured and calculated patterns show good agreement. >