Pressure effects on the transition temperature and the magnetic field penetration depth in the pyrochlore superconductor RbOs2O6.

Magnetization measurements under hydrostatic pressure up to 8 kbar in the pyrochlore superconductor RbOs2O6 (T(c) approximately or equal 6.3 K at p=0) were carried out. A positive pressure effect on T(c) with dT(c)/dp=0.090(3) K/kbar was observed, whereas no pressure effect on the magnetic penetration depth lambda was detected. The pressure independent ratio 2 Delta(0)/k(B)T(c)=3.72(2) (Delta(0) is the superconducting gap at zero temperature) was found to be close to the BCS value 3.52. Magnetization and muon-spin rotation measurements of lambda(T) indicate that RbOs2O6 is an adiabatic s-wave BCS-type superconductor. The value of lambda extrapolated to zero temperature and ambient pressure was estimated to be 230(30) nm.