Application of the Naive Bayes Method to a Decision Support System to Provide Discounts (Case Study: PT. Bina Usaha Teknik)

Researchers have designed a decision support system for granting discounts by using the Naïve Bayes method. Naïve Bayes can be used for decisions to grant discounts within a multi-criteria system. The criteria are determined by the company, the purchase of some items, the status of the product, the big day, price ranges. The management system helps the company in providing discounts accordingly. The result from this study is an application that can simplify the analysis of large amounts of data, in order to help provide the information as the result of corporate decisions. The programming language used was PHP and MySQL as a database. The system development method used was Rapid Application Development (RAD) with Unified Modelling Language (UML) tools and Microsoft Visio as a system design editor. Hopefully, by use of the decision support system for granting discounts by employing the Naïve Bayes method, the process of granting rebates can be more effective and efficient.