Geographical differences in the UV measured by intercompared spectroradiometers

Five UV spectroradiometers representative of the types used in monitoring programs on several continents were intercompared at the Fraunhofer Institute for Atmospheric Environmental Research (IFU), Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Southern Germany, during a campaign in August 1994. Global spectral irradiances between 290 and l410 nm were measured over a range of solar zenith angles from 30{degrees} to 80{degrees}. Scans were synchronized to enable useful comparisons to be made under changing weather conditions, which included overcast, partly cloudy, and clear skies. No exchange of data was allowed between participating groups until after the campaign. At wavelengths longer than 310 nm, the spectra generally agreed to within {plus_minus}5%. At a wavelengths shorter than 3l10 nm, differences between instruments were larger, especially at larger solar zenith angles. Causes of differences are discussed. For all instruments, deviations in erythemally weighted irradiances were always less than 7% from the mean. The agreement between measurement systems is sufficient to allow an investigation of geographical differences in UV, under all observing conditions. UV doses measured at sites in the southern hemisphere are systematically larger than those measured at the corresponding northern latitudes. During the summer months the daily doses at the South Pole exceed those at mid-latitudes in the Northernmore » Hemisphere. Further investigations must be performed to establish a global UV-climatology. 8 refs., 5 figs., 2 tabs.« less