특허인용관계를 활용한 산업융합 파급효과 연구
Recent efforts of government to improve economic performance and increase employment through industrial convergence are being promoted actively. However, unfortunately, we have little of quantitative study on the following questions; (1) what is the rate of industrial convergence progressed?, and (2) what is the rate of total effects of industrial convergence spreaded?, and (3) which is the No. 1 industry in the magnitude of inductive effect of industrial convergence? In this study, we have measured and analyzed quantitatively the following questions using patent citation; (1) how is industrial convergence progressed?, and (2) how much has industrial convergence a effect on all industry?, and (3) what is the rate of the inductive effect of industrial convergence? In doing so, decision about industrial convergence has been made using patent citation and the effect of industrial convergence is drawn from convergence I/O table which made by patent citation.