Design of main circuit and control system for connecting series and parallel interface of wind power generating unit

Since the wind is random, intermittent and uncontrollable energy, conventional grid is difficult to adapt to the requirements of grid connected wind power. We can use inverter interface to improve quality and safety when wind power generation connected to grid. In this paper, a detailed study of the wind power on the series and parallel interface and topology, a detailed analysis the working principle and mathematical model of the series and parallel interface, and a detailed analysis of the power characteristics of the wind power generation are done. And also, the paper gives the series and parallel signal generation principle, a detailed analysis of serial and parallel output interface control hysteresis control method, and the harmonic and reactive power signal simulation. What's more, the paper studied signal detection method in the dq0 coordinate, the working process of the power and hysteresis control of PWM signal. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the method and the control method of signal detection is feasible.