Future progress in turbulent combustion research
[1] R. Bilger,et al. Measurement of Scalar Dissipation in Premixed Flames , 1996 .
[2] Tarek Echekki,et al. Unsteady strain rate and curvature effects in turbulent premixed methane-air flames , 1996 .
[3] Yung-cheng Chen,et al. Stabilization mechanisms of lifted laminar flames in axisymmetric jet flows , 2000 .
[4] W. Kendal Bushe,et al. Conditional moment closure for large eddy simulation of nonpremixed turbulent reacting flows , 1999 .
[5] J. Ferziger,et al. Large eddy simulation of turbulent front propagation with dynamic subgrid models , 1997 .
[6] N. Swaminathan,et al. Relationship between turbulent scalar flux and conditional dilatation in premixed flames with complex chemistry , 2001 .
[7] Robert S. Barlow,et al. Raman/Rayleigh/LIF measurements of nitric oxide formation in turbulent hydrogen jet flames , 1994 .
[8] Robert W. Bilger. Turbulent diffusion flames , 1989 .
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[10] N. Peters. The turbulent burning velocity for large-scale and small-scale turbulence , 1999, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
[11] L. Vervisch,et al. Triple flames and partially premixed combustion in autoignition of non-premixed turbulent mixtures , 1996 .
[12] Robert W. Bilger,et al. Second-order conditional moment closure for the autoignition of turbulent flows , 1998 .
[13] Wen-Huei Jou,et al. Large-Eddy Simulations of Combustion Instability in an Axisymmetric Ramjet Combustor , 1991 .
[14] R. Moss,et al. Climate change 1995 - impacts, adaptations and mitigation of climate change : scientific-technical analyses , 1997 .
[15] Heinz Pitsch,et al. Numerical Investigation of Soot Formation and Oxidation Under Diesel Engine Conditions , 1995 .
[16] A. Klimenko,et al. Multicomponent diffusion of various admixtures in turbulent flow , 1990 .
[17] A. Klimenko,et al. Conditional moment closure for turbulent combustion , 1999 .
[18] Norbert Peters,et al. The detailed flame structure of highly stretched turbulent premixed methane-air flames , 1996 .
[19] Thierry Poinsot,et al. The evolution equation for the flame surface density in turbulent premixed combustion , 1994, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
[20] D. Veynante,et al. Gradient and counter-gradient scalar transport in turbulent premixed flames , 1997, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
[21] Robert W. Bilger,et al. Simultaneous 2-D Imaging Measurements of Reaction Progress Variable and OH Radical Concentration in Turbulent Premixed Flames: Instantaneous Flame-Front Structure , 2001 .
[22] Robert W. Schefer,et al. Mechanism of Flame Stabilization in Turbulent, Lifted-Jet Flames , 1998 .
[23] T. Poinsot,et al. Numerical simulations of autoignition in turbulent mixing flows , 1997 .
[24] Robert W. Bilger,et al. Modeling soot formation in turbulent methane–air jet diffusion flames , 2000 .
[25] M. Lesieur,et al. New Trends in Large-Eddy Simulations of Turbulence , 1996 .
[26] Forman A. Williams,et al. NOx formation in two-stage methane–air flames , 1999 .
[27] Chung King Law,et al. An augmented reduced mechanism for methane oxidation with comprehensive global parametric validation , 1998 .
[28] J. Kent,et al. Computation of Conditional Average Scalar Dissipation in Turbulent Jet Diffusion Flames , 2000 .
[29] Thierry Poinsot,et al. Quenching processes and premixed turbulent combustion diagrams , 1991, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
[30] Jing-Tang Yang,et al. Flame lift-off and stabilization mechanisms of nonpremixed jet flames on a bluff-body burner , 1998 .
[31] F. Williams,et al. Experimental investigation of a premixed flame in an impinging turbulent stream , 1994 .
[32] Stephen B. Pope,et al. A mixing model for turbulent reactive flows based on Euclidean minimum spanning trees , 1998 .
[33] Robert W. Bilger. Turbulent jet diffusion flames , 1976 .
[34] Robert W. Bilger,et al. Scalar Dissipation Measurements in Turbulent Jet Diffusion Flames of Air Diluted Methane and Hydrogen , 1997 .
[35] A. M. Mellor,et al. Gas turbine engine pollution , 1976 .
[36] Sébastien Candel,et al. Combustion instabilities coupled by pressure waves and their active control , 1992 .
[37] R. Barlow,et al. The structure of turbulent nonpremixed flames revealed by Raman-Rayleigh-LIF measurements , 1996 .
[38] S. Pope,et al. Direct numerical simulation of a statistically stationary, turbulent reacting flow , 1999 .
[39] Stephen B. Pope,et al. Computationally efficient implementation of combustion chemistry using in situ adaptive tabulation , 1997 .
[40] Bernhard Peters,et al. Classification of combustion regimes in a packed bed of particles based on the relevant time and length scales , 1999 .
[41] K. Bray,et al. Turbulent flows with premixed reactants , 1980 .
[43] Mohy S. Mansour,et al. Investigation of flame broadening in turbulent premixed flames in the thin-reaction-zones regime , 1998 .
[44] R. Barlow,et al. Experiments on the scalar structure of turbulent CO/H2/N2 jet flames , 2000 .
[45] Sanjay M. Correa,et al. Power generation and aeropropulsion gas turbines: From combustion science to combustion technology , 1998 .
[46] J. Bruce,et al. Climate change, 1995 : economic and social dimensions of climate change , 1997 .
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[49] Assaad R. Masri,et al. An Atlas of QEDR Flame Structures , 1990 .
[50] Christopher J. Rutland,et al. Premixed flame effects on turbulence and pressure-related terms , 1995 .
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[53] Friedrich Dinkelacker,et al. Measurement of the resolved flame structure of turbulent premixed flames with constant reynolds number and varied stoichiometry , 1998 .
[54] Robert W. Bilger,et al. Conditional moment closure for turbulent reacting flow , 1993 .
[55] Robert W. Bilger,et al. The structure of turbulent nonpremixed flames , 1989 .
[56] B. Rogg,et al. Experimental and numerical studies of a triple flame , 1999 .
[57] J. D. Li,et al. The diffusion of conserved and reactive scalars behind line sources in homogeneous turbulence , 1996, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
[58] R. Borghi. On the Structure and Morphology of Turbulent Premixed Flames , 1985 .
[59] J. B. Moss,et al. Simultaneous Measurements of Concentration and Velocity in an Open Premixed Turbulent Flame , 1980 .
[60] R. Bilger,et al. Conditional moment closure (CMC) predictions of a turbulent methane-air jet flame , 2001 .
[61] Roydon Andrew Fraser,et al. Numerical Prediction of the Autoignition Delay in a Diesel-Like Environment by the Conditional Moment Closure Model , 2000 .
[62] A. D. Gosman,et al. Application of a flame-wrinkling les combustion model to a turbulent mixing layer , 1998 .
[63] Robert W. Bilger,et al. Measurements of conditional velocities in turbulent premixed flames by simultaneous OH PLIF and PIV , 1999 .
[64] Nedunchezhian Swaminathan,et al. Assessment of combustion submodels for turbulent nonpremixed hydrocarbon flames , 1999 .
[65] N. Swaminathan,et al. Study of the conditional covariance and variance equations for second order conditional moment closure , 1999 .
[66] P. Kalt,et al. Laser imaging of conditional velocities in premixed propane-air flames by simulataneous OH PLIF and PIV , 1998 .
[67] R. Barlow,et al. Relationships among nitric oxide, temperature, and mixture fraction in hydrogen jet flames☆ , 1996 .
[68] Andrew W. Cook,et al. A laminar flamelet approach to subgrid-scale chemistry in turbulent flows , 1997 .
[69] Thierry Mantel,et al. Some conditional statistics in a turbulent premixed flame derived from direct numerical simulations , 1995 .
[70] Nedunchezhian Swaminathan,et al. Interdependence of the Instantaneous Flame Front Structure and the Overall Scalar Flux in Turbulent Premixed Flames , 1997 .
[71] Lars Sætran,et al. Reaction in a scalar mixing layer , 1991, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
[72] F. Williams,et al. Turbulent Reacting Flows , 1981 .
[73] S. Pope,et al. Filtered density function for large eddy simulation of turbulent reacting flows , 1998 .
[74] A. Masri,et al. Wide-field conserved scalar imaging in turbulent diffusion flames by a raman and rayleigh method , 1994 .
[75] Robert W. Bilger,et al. An experimental study of a reactive plume in grid turbulence , 1996, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
[76] K.N.C. Bray,et al. The challenge of turbulent combustion , 1996 .
[77] Robert W. Bilger,et al. The Structure of Diffusion Flames , 1976 .
[78] R. Barlow,et al. Effects of turbulence on species mass fractions in methane/air jet flames , 1998 .
[79] J. Kent,et al. Second-order conditional moment closure for turbulent jet diffusion flames , 1998 .
[80] J. Buckmaster,et al. Edge-Flames and Their Stability , 1996 .
[81] S. Pope,et al. Straining and scalar dissipation on material surfaces in turbulence: Implications for flamelets , 1990 .
[82] Patrick Jenny,et al. PDF simulations of a bluff-body stabilized flow , 2001 .
[83] Robert W. Bilger,et al. Scalar gradient and related quantities in turbulent premixed flames , 1997 .
[84] Friedrich Dinkelacker,et al. Measurement of the instantaneous detailed flame structure in turbulent premixed combustion , 1996 .
[85] S. Candel,et al. Applications of direct numerical simulation to premixed turbulent combustion , 1995 .
[86] Z. Warhaft. Passive Scalars in Turbulent Flows , 2000 .
[87] Stephen B. Pope,et al. Probability density function calculations of local extinction and no production in piloted-jet turbulent methane/air flames , 2000 .
[88] A. Kronenburg,et al. Modelling Differential Diffusion in Nonpremixed Reacting Turbulent Flow: Application to Turbulent Jet Flames , 2001 .
[89] N. Peters. Local Quenching Due to Flame Stretch and Non-Premixed Turbulent Combustion , 1983 .
[90] Nebojsa Nakicenovic,et al. Global energy : perspectives , 1998 .
[91] Liu Tao,et al. Application of the elliptic conditional moment closure model to a two-dimensional nonpremixed methanol bluff-body flame , 2000 .
[92] M. Mungal,et al. Visual observations of a turbulent diffusion flame , 1989 .