200 MW CFB Boiler Burning High-Ash Anthracite
Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) and Kharkov Central Design Bureau (KhCDB), B&W's Ukrainian licensee, have jointly de- signed a 200 MW circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler for repowering of Ukrainian power plants. Indigenous high-ash anthracite will be burned in the boiler. The CFB boilers will replace typical 200 MW pulverized coal (PC) units that are out- dated and worn out. Combustion of high-ash anthracite in the PC boilers is inefficient, requires considerable co-firing of natural gas and produces high SO x and NO x emissions. The important boiler design and performance parameters, such as furnace height, fuel and limestone sizing, solids recir- culation rate, combustion efficiency and emissions performance, were developed using the results of high-ash anthracite pilot CFB testing, as described. The results of evaluating Ukrainian limestones for CFB use are provided. The boiler arrangement, fuel, sorbent and ash handling sys- tems, and other boiler auxiliary equipment are described. The boiler having B&W's internal-recycle solids separator is com- pact and fits in the PC boiler cell without changes to the build- ing. The novel boiler arrangement with a dual furnace outlet provides for a low-risk scale-up. The boiler will operate in the 50% to 100% load range without using supplemental fuel. The expected boiler combustion and emissions performance data are provided.