상세 에너지정보 제공을 위한 공동주택에서의 용도별 에너지사용량 계측 및 원단위화 방법
Recognizing that the building sector is important to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, a variety of policies are being strengthened to reduce the energy consumption of buildings. For these policies to have a substantial effect, it is necessary to provide an energy information for building owners to easily understand. Especially, detailed energy consumption data by end-use (heating, cooling, domestic hot water, lighting, air moving, etc) can be a great help building owners and engineers to set out a specific action plan of improving energy efficiency. The aim of this study is to suggest a measurement method of energy consumption by end-use in apartment buildings for providing detailed energy information. Each energy consumption by end-use was classified and defined. Measurement and normalization methods were suggested to express the EUI (Energy Use Intensity) by end-use. It is considered that this measurement method is also able to be utilized in the area of HEMS (Home Energy Management System).