Extensive Simulation Performance Evaluation of MSK Scheme with Error Correcting Codes in Wireless Sensor Networks

Link reliability and power consumption are a prime concern in the design of wireless sensor networks. The data exchanged between nodes are vulnerable to corruption by errors induced by random noise, signal fading and other factors. Error control codes (ECC) is an efficient technique for increasing reliability of links and minimizing power transmitted. In this context, the choice of energy efficient ECC with a suitable modulation scheme is a vital task at the physical layer of wireless sensor networks to improve their lifetime. A performance analysis of energy consumption referring to MSK modulation with suitable error control codes approach is presented in this paper. The particularly analysis is evaluated in terms of energy consumption and probability of Bit Error Rate (BER) for various error control codes combined with optimal modulation scheme through a Gaussian channel (AWGN). Based on simulations results, we observe that the benefit of error correcting approach varies with the transmission distance. The combination MSK modulation and Reed Solomon code yields a significant improvement power consumption.

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