SNPT- and KKNI-Based Curriculum Organization

Curriculum is a set of lesson plan for achieving a learning outcome, instructional materials, process, process, and evaluation that serve as a guideline for study program. Higher education curriculum is a set of lesson plan and rules of objective, content, and instructional materials which serve as a guideline for learning process to achieve the objective of Higher Education. It is developed by each study program based on Indonesian National Qualification Design (KKNI) and Higher Education National Standard (SNP), consisting of attitudes and values, knowledge, general skills, and specific skills. Referring to the Presidential degrees and Culture and Education Ministerial degrees, therefore, each study program in graduate program of Education Staff and Educator Association (LPTK) is necessary to organize a curriculum based on KKNI and SNPT. It is intended to actualize an accountable curriculum, produce alumni with KKNI and Teacher Competency Standard, and give a wide insight to the alumni with knowledge of study field, fundamental educating science, and strategy of its professional implementation. The stages of curriculum organization include: 1) determining graduation profile and learning outcome, 2) making a decision in instructional materials, 3) and determining courses, curriculum structure, and semester credit, and 4) developing semester and weekly learning plans.