Injuries and treatment of the Lisfranc s joint
Lisfranc s joint is a stabil joint its injuries are very rare. During the period of March 1990 to June 1993, 21 patients with Lisfranc s fracture dislocations were treated. They were classified according to Quenu and Kuss classification as: 11 totallateral, 1 partial medial, 3 partiallateral, 3 partial divergent and 3 total divergent dislocations. Closed reduction and Kirschner wire fixation was performed a of them, open reduction and Kirschner wire fixation performed 10 of them and open reduction and internal fixation with AO screws performed 3 of them. 15 cases were reexamined. The average follow up time was 22. 7 month (6-46) and the results of operations were evaluated as follows, 3 very good, 9 good, 3 fair. There was no bad result. With regard to results, it was decided that anatomic reduction was required for satisfactory result.