Classifier systems: a useful approach to machine learning?

Classi er systems are sub-symbolic or dynamic approaches to machine learning. These systems have been studied rather extensively. In this thesis some theoretical results about the long-term behaviour and the computational abilities of classi er systems are derived. Then some experiments are undertaken. The rst experiment entails the implementation of a simple logic function, a multiplexer in a simple classi er system. It is shown that this task can be learned very well. The second task that is taught to the system is a mushroom-classi cation problem that has been researched with other learning systems. It is shown that this task can be learned. The last problem is the parity problem. First it is shown that this problem does not scale linearly with its number of bits in a straightforward classi er system. An attempt is made to solve it with a multilayer classi er-system, but this is found to be almost impossible. Explanations are given of why this should be the case. Then some thought is given to analogies between classi er systems and neural networks. It is indicated that there are mappings between certain classi er systems and certain neural networks. It is suggested that this is a main concern for future classi er systems research.

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