ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN HISTORIC BUILDINGS - Insulating solid ground floors

This guidance note provides advice on the methods, materials and risks involved with insulating solid ground floors. The energy saving resulting from insulating solid ground floors can in many cases be of marginal benefit when the cost and disruption to the building fabric are considered. Insulating other building elements is likely to produce greater benefits in energy efficiency for significantly less cost. This is partly because a typical solid floor already provides a degree of insulation, but mainly because the ground beneath maintains a stable temperature of around 10 degrees C. However, where an existing floor is being taken up, replaced or repaired, then it can be worth making use of the opportunity to improve thermal performance. Solid ground floors can be a significant part of the history and character of a building, so taking up floors and excavating below to install insulation can be extremely damaging to valuable historic fabric. Even where the floor finish is of no particular historic value, any alterations to the floor structure beneath need to take account of potential buried historic features and archaeology. This can, for instance, be particularly significant in churches. All such work will require consent if the property is listed.