Finitude's Score: Essays for the End of the Millennium

Suspending the distinction between headline news and high theory, Avital Ronell examines the diverse figures of finitude in our modernity: war, guerrilla video, trauma TV, AIDS, music, divorce, sadism, electronic tagging, rumor. Her essays address such questions as, How do rumors kill? How has video become the conscience of TV? How have the police come to be everywhere, even where they are not? Is peace possible? "[W]riting to the community of those who have no community--to those who have known the infiniteness of abandonment," her work explores the possibility, one possibility among many, that "this time we have gone too far" "One last word. It is possible that we have gone too far. This possibility has to be considered if we, as a species, as a history, are going to get anywhere at all."