Intraocular haemorrhage asacomplication of pneumoencephalography
In1973, Simonandcolleagues published an account ofseveral cases ofintraocular haemorrhage resulting fromairmyelography carried out under general anaesthesia. Theydescribed three cases ofsymptomatic haemorrhage occurring in anuncontrolled series of480gasmyelographies, while inapilot series of19patients examined before andafter myelography there werefive patients withasymptomatic retinal or preretinal haemorrhages. Atthetimeoftheoriginal presentation ofthiswork,theauthors were criticised forwhatappeared tobe'faulty' techniques and,indeed, theypointed outina footnote that, after certain modifications tothe procedure, nofurther haemorrhagic incidents occurred. Itwasalso claimed thatsuchcomplications werespecific togasmyelography anddid notoccur with, forexample, pneumoencephalography. Retinal haemorrhage isnota recognised complication ofpneumoencephalography (Mil
[1] T. D. Duane. Valsalva hemorrhagic retinopathy. , 1973, American journal of ophthalmology.
[2] G. Hoare. Traumatic retinal angiopathy resulting from chest compression by safety belt. , 1970, The British journal of ophthalmology.