FASTPLOT: An interface to Microsoft{reg_sign} FORTRAN graphics
Interface routines to the Microsoft{reg_sign} FORTRAN graphics library (GRAPHICS.LIB) are provided to facilitate development of graphics codes. These routines are collected into the FASTPLOT library (FASTPLOT.LIB). The FASTPLOT routines simplified the development of applications utilizing graphics and add capabilities not available in GRAPHICS.LIB such as plotting histograms, splines, symbols, and error bars. Specifically, these routines were utilized in the development of the mortality data viewing code, MORTVIEW, for the US Environmental Protection Agency. Routines for color imaging, developed for use with the X-ray Computer Tomography (XCT) imaging code, and examples are also provided in the FASTPLOT library. Many example uses of FASTPLOT.LIB are contained in this document to facilitate applications development. The FASTPLOT.LIB library, source, and applications programs are supplied on the accompanying FASTPLOT diskette.