1 5 A ug 2 00 4 High-Temperature Limit of Landau-Gauge Yang-Mills Theory
The infrared properties of the high-temperature limit of Landau-gauge Yang-Mills theory are investigated. In a first step the high-temperature limit of the Dyson-Schwinger equations is taken. The resulting equations are identical to the Dyson-Schwinger equations of the dimensionally reduced theory, a three-dimensional Yang-Mills theory coupled to an effective adjoint Higgs field. These equations are solved analytically in the infrared and ultraviolet, and numerically for all Euclidean momenta. We find infrared enhancement for the Faddeev-Popov ghosts, infrared suppression for transverse gluons and a mass for the Higgs. These results imply long-range interactions and over-screening in the chromomagnetic sector of high temperature Yang-Mills theory while in the chromoelectric sector only screening is observed. PACS. 11-10.Kk Field theories in dimensions other than four – 11-10.Wx Finite-temperature field theory – 11.15.-q Gauge field theories – 12.38.-t Quantum chromodynamics – 12.38.Aw General properties of QCD – 12.38.Lg Other nonperturbative calculations – 12.38.Mh Quark-gluon plasma – 14.70.Dj Gluons
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