The State of the Art of Research in the EU on the Uptake and Use of ICT by Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities

The report provides a snapshot on the current state of the art of socio-economic research undertaken in Europe on ICT and migrations. After briefly illustrating the evolution of studies on ICT and migrations, the report provides an overview of the literature (over 150 items) published on this topic between 2004 and 2008. The main themes and disciplines involved are identified, along with emerging research lines of investigation. Based on the questionnaires gathered in the study, the third chapter of the report focuses on European research institutes, experts and the projects addressing the domain of ICT and migration. About 40 expert researchers were identified, working in/for about 30 research organisations in 11 Member States and Switzerland; and carrying on over 40 research projects. Overall, research in this field is carried out very much through networks of individuals (mostly junior scientists, with an overwhelming presence of women) or small groups, with a growing interdisciplinary character. The report concludes that research on ICT and migration would benefit from a stronger focus on user and impact analysis, and a more systematic comparative research across Europe. The authors also suggest a few topics that deserve further elaboration of theoretical approaches and could lead to cutting edge, comparative research in this field.