Application of GIS analytic hierarchy process
To deal with geographical phenomena and processes which relate to lots of interrelated complicated natural and social factors, AHP based on GIS adopts normal theory of AHP, and decentralizes slave relation of correlative geographical factors about research object by using spatial classification and spatial a-nalysis of GIS, and realizes analytic hierarchy process upon geographical model by integrating all voices from experts. The steps of AHP based on GIS are as follows. Firstly, ensure investigative objects and tar-gets, and ensure needed data for analysis. Secondly, analyze and settle data, and then create geodatabase. Thirdly, summarize correlative features, which result in targets of investigative objects, and to create hierarchical model about targets, and then distill analytic factors by using spatial analysis. Fourthly, grade the factors synthetically by experts, and then exert integrative analysis by using GIS techniques and mathematical methods and ensure parameters of the model. Finally, analyze and validate the unknown objects in investigative region by using the established model. In allusion to minerallizational features about gold deposit on Wangu region in northeast Hunan province, AHP based on GIS has established gold mine ore prospecting model by synthetically using AHP and GIS technology, and also has forecasted target area in research region.