Frameless Rendering (FR) is a rendering paradigm which performs stochastic temporal filtering by updating pixels in a random order, based on most recent available input data, and displaying them to the screen immediately [1]. This is a departure from frame-based approaches commonly experienced in interactive graphics. A typical interactive graphics session uses a single input state to compute an entire frame. This constrains the state to be known at the time the first pixel's value is computed. Frameless Rendering samples inputs many times during the interval which begins at the start of the first pixel's computation and ends with the last pixel's computation. Thus, Frameless Rendering performs temporal supersampling - it uses more samples over time. This results in an approximation to motion blur, both theoretically and perceptually.This paper explores this motion blur and its relationship to: camera open shutter time, current computer graphics motion-blur implementations, temporally anti-aliased images, and the Human Visual System's (HVS) motion smear quality (see 'quality' footnote) [2].Finally, we integrate existing research results to conjecture how Frameless Rendering can use knowledge of the Human Visual System's blurred retinal image to direct spatiotemporal sampling. In other words, we suggest importance sampling (see 'sampling' footnote) by prioritizing pixels for computation based on their importance to the visual system in discerning what is occurring in an interactive image sequence.
Norman I. Badler,et al.
Temporal anti-aliasing in computer generated animation
PotmesilMichael,et al.
Modeling motion blur in computer-generated images
Robert L. Cook,et al.
Distributed ray tracing
M. Lévesque.
The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine.
D. Burr,et al.
Visual processing of motion
Trends in Neurosciences.
Bernd Girod,et al.
Eye Movements And Coding Of Video Sequences
Other Conferences.
Michael P. Eckert,et al.
The significance of eye movements and image acceleration for coding television image sequences
Henry Fuchs,et al.
Frameless rendering: double buffering considered harmful
Ellen J S Zagier.
Frameless Antialiasing