ORZEF: An optimized routing using zone to establish security in MANET using multipath and friend-based ad hoc routing

Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a wireless communication with a collection of devices that communicate with each other without the aid of any centralized administrator. Due to its properties MANET environment is prone to attacks in routes. ORZEF is a self-motivated routing system to provide has less security secure routing. When a node enters into a zone it distributes its secret key upto two hop count nodes and it shares their secret keys by using asymmetric key encryption. For each node routing zone is defined separately using its radius. When there is a malicious activity in the environment the authentication algorithm is initiated to isolate the malicious nodes. As a result of this scheme, the network will be able to effectively isolate the malicious nodes. Through extensive simulation analysis using QualNet simulator it is concluded that this scheme provides an efficient approach towards security and easier detection of the malicious nodes in the mobile ad hoc network and the power also utilized effectively.