Oriented Spatial Transformer Network for Pedestrian Detection Using Fish-Eye Camera

Pedestrian detection using fish-eye cameras is a principal research focus in computer vision. Lack of pedestrian datasets of fish-eye images and pedestrian distortion in fish-eye images are two primary challenges. In this paper, two approaches are proposed to deal with these two challenges, respectively. On the one hand, the projective model transformation (PMT) algorithm is proposed, which can transform normal images into fish-eye images. The PMT can be applied to most of the pedestrian datasets and generates corresponding fish-eye image datasets. In this way, enough training data can be provided through the PMT. On the other hand, the oriented spatial transformer network (OSTN) is designed to rectify warped pedestrian features using CNNs, so that pedestrians in fish-eye images are easier for detectors to recognize. The OSTN can be embedded into universal deep learning based detectors easily. Moreover, the new pedestrian detector, where the OSTN is embedded, can be trained end to end. Finally, the OSTN based fish-eye pedestrian detectors can be trained using fish-eye images, which are generated using the PMT. Experiments on ETH, KITTI, Citypersons, and real pedestrian datasets show the effectiveness of the PMT and accuracy improvement of pedestrian detection in fish-eye images using the OSTN.

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