Preoperative Intensified Chemoradiation with Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy and Simultaneous Integrated Boost Combined with Capecitabine in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: Long-Term Outcomes of a Real-Life Multicenter Study
G. Chiloiro | G. Macchia | E. Meldolesi | M. Gambacorta | M. Osti | G. Montesi | G. Mantello | A. De Paoli | L. Caravatta | M. Lupattelli | E. Palazzari | R. Niespolo | R. Innocente | V. Panni | S. Di Biase | I. Angelicone | F. de Giacomo | Pierfrancesco Franco | J. Polesel | Valeria Epifani | Marco Lucarelli | Cynthia Aristei