Inferring asteroid surface properties from radar albedos and circular‐polarization ratios

We model electromagnetic scattering from varying closely packed random aggregates of spheres imitating piles of rocks on the surface of an asteroid. We utilize the Multiple Sphere T-Matrix Method software to study how different parameters affect the radar albedo and the circular-polarization ratio, for example, the size distribution and electric permittivities of the spherical particles forming the aggregates, and to see if the computed radar albedos and circular-polarization ratios can be linked to the observational data of asteroids detected using radar. The results of the simulations show the radar albedo and the circular-polarization ratio as a function of size parameter for different silicate minerals, including anorthosite, peridotite olivine, and basalt. A direct vacuum-rock surface interface will be considered as well as an approximation for a case in which the rocks are covered by a layer of powdered material, that is, fine regolith. The promising results show values on the range of observed values and imply that the highest circular-polarization values (μc > 1) are measurable only for targets with surface material of high electric permittivity (e′ > 4.0). However, the asteroid surface model requires further development before more robust conclusions can be made of the surface chemical and structural composition.

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