A new method based on compressive sensing for monostatic scattering analysis

A new approach based on the Method of Moments (MoM) and the Compressive Sensing (CS) is proposed to efficiently analyze the electromagnetic monostatic scattering from an arbitrary three-dimensional (3D) target in this article. The Nyquist–Shannon's sampling theorem must be satisfied when traditional MoM is utilized to solve monostatic scattering problems, which needs a large calculating quantity and is time consuming. Therefore, the CS technique is introduced into the MoM to decrease the sampling rate of the incident angles. Simulation results obtained from the proposed method are verified by comparison with traditional MoM results, which prove an excellent accuracy computation. And the comparison of the simulation time illustrates that the method we present has a very high efficiency in monostatic scattering from conducting 3D bodies. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 57:2457–2461, 2015