Discovery and Integrative Neuroscience

Hypothesis driven research has been shown to be an excellent model for pursuing investigations in neuroscience. The Human Genome Project demonstrated the added value of discovery research, especially in areas where large amounts of data are produced. Neuroscience has become a data rich field, and one that would be enhanced by incorporating the discovery approach. Databases, as well as analytical, modeling and simulation tools, will have to be developed, and they will need to be interoperable and federated. This paper presents an overview of the development of the field of neuroscience databases and associate tools: Neuroinformatics. The primary focus is on the impact of NIH funding of this process. The important issues of data sharing, as viewed from the perspective of the scientist and private and public funding organizations, are discussed. Neuroinformatics will provide more than just a sophisticated array of information technologies to help scientists understand and integrate nervous system data. It will make available powerful models of neural functions and facilitate discovery, hypothesis formulation and electronic collaboration.

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