The Study of Applying a Quality Management Tool for Solving Non-Conformities in a Automotive

The paper presents the results of a study concerning the use of the Ishikawa diagram in analyzing the causes that determine a non-quality problem in the operation of a automotive. The studied problem was “the pressure loss on the high pressure branch in the diesel supply system of the COMMON RAIL motor”. All the possible, main and secondary causes that could generate the studied problem were identified. We determined many possible causes and potential sub-causes and we grouped them into three main causes of the defect: a) causes determined by errors of fabrication/ manufacturing of system components; b) causes determined by faulty exploitation of the automotive; c) causes determined by inappropriate service. We regrouped all the secondary causes in categories of M type and there resulted: 5 categories of secondary causes of repairs in Service which included the use of spare parts with manufacturing errors, conventionally noted MS (Man-service, Methods-service, Materials-service, Machines-service, Environment-service);2 categories of secondary causes due to the operating mode of the motor car, conventionally noted ME (Materials-exploitation, Man-exploitation). All causes and secondary causes described a new Ishikawa diagram, model named in the paper 5MS + 2ME. This diagram performed in a detailed form is presented in the paper.