Handbook of diversity in parent education : the changing faces of parenting and parent education

Preface. Contributors. American Families in the 1990s and Beyond. Gender Issues in Parenting: Parenting Teenage Girls. Teaching About Sexual Diversity: A New Frontier for Parenthood Educators. Parenting and Ethnicity. Parenting in the Global Community: A Cross-Cultural/International Perspective. A Psychoeducational Program for Parents of Dysfunctional Backgrounds. Supportive Family Training: Education and Support for the Parents of Persons with Serious Mental Illness. Parent Education for Fathers. Grandparents Raising Children. Parenting Emotionally Disturbed Children. Parenting Children with Learning Disabilities. Parenting Children with Brain Injury. Parenting Chronically Ill Children. Education Programs for Parents and Families of Children and Youth with Developmental Disabilities. Educating Parents to be Advocates for their Children. Managing Crisis: Intervention Skills for Parents. Index.