Metaphoric Description of Performance States

Metaphoric Description of Performance States 1 Running head: METAPHORIC DESCRIPTION OF PERFORMANCE STATES Metaphoric Description of Performance States Yuri L. Hanin, KIHU-Research Institute for Olympic Sports, Jyvaskyla, Finland Natalia B. Stambulova, The P.F. Lesgaft State Academy of Physical Education, St-Petersburg, Russia Address correspondence to: Dr. Yuri L. Hanin, Ph, DSc, Professor & Senior Researcher Research Institute for Olympic Sports Rautpohjankatu 6, Jyvaskyla, 47000 Finland phone: +358 14 2603 175 (direct); fax: +358 14 2603 171 mobile: +358 400 982 704 email: Submission date: April 10, 2001; Reviews completed: Aug. 22, 2001; Re-submitted: Oct. 30, 2001 Authors’ Note Yuri L. Hanin is with the KIHU-Research Institute for Olympic Sports, Jyvaskyla-40700, Finland; Natalia B. Stambulova is with the Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden. This research project was supported by a grant (# 164 / 722 / 99) to Dr. Yuri Hanin from the Finnish Ministry of Education. We express our appreciation to David Conroy, Athanasios Papaioannou, Robert Weinberg, and Dave Yukelson who read earlier and revised draft of the manuscript. For further information concerning this article contact Yuri Hanin .

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