Matrices and Graphs: Theory and Applications to Economics Proceedings of the Conferences
Spectral properties of matrices and graphs, S. Stefani, A. Torriero New insights on the sign stability problem, J. Maybee Irreducible matrices and primitivity index, L.G. Ceccarossi Comparison of algorithms for symmetrical matrices Eigenanalysis, S. Camiz, V. Tulli Cubic graphs as model of real system, T. Calamoneri, R. Petreschi Lower bounds for a class of depth-two switching circuits, Z. Tuza Cluster identification in a signed graph by Eigenvalue analysis, A. Bellacicco, V. Tulli Graphical Gaussian models and regression, G.I. Lasinio, P. Vicard Linear structural dependence of degree one among data: a statistical model, F. Lagona I/O analysis: old and new analysis techniques, S. Camiz Hadamard matrix product, graph and system theories: motivations and role econometrics, M. Faliva Graphs and macroeconometric modelling, M. Gilli Quantitative solvability analysis in multiequation models, M. Gilli, G. Pauletto International comparisons and construction of optimal graphs, B.M. Zavanella.