A 252 × 144 single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) pixel FLASH LiDAR is implemented in 180nm CMOS with 28.5µm pixel pitch and 28% fill factor. The sensor includes a collision detection bus with dynamic reallocation of 48.8 ps dual-clock time-to-digital converters (TDCs). It can operate in time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC), single-photon counting (SPC), peak-detection (PD) and partial-histogramming (PH) modes. The PD and PH modes are enabled by the first implementation of integrated histogramming for a full array via an SRAM based partial histogramming readout (PHR) scheme. This provides 16 5-bit bins for each pixel to enable a 14.9-to-l compression ratio.