Transportation infrastructure monitoring using satellite remote sensing

The objective of this study was to determine the feasibility of applying commercially available radar remote sensing technology to transportation network monitoring. Synthetic aperture radar data acquired from the Italian COSMO-SkyMed satellite were processed and analyzed. Specific applications included sinkhole detection in karst terrain, slope stability monitoring, and infrastructure assessment. A 40 x 40 km Area of Interest was identified in the proximity to the City of Staunton, in a region geologically prone to sinkhole formation. Satellite data from this area were acquired on a bi-monthly schedule, for a period of 14 months. Radar data were processed with the SqueeSAR algorithm. Additional software tools for automated sinkhole detection were developed. A new approach involving Temporary Coherent Scatterer (TS) was experimented with. Study results indicate that satellite radar remote sensing can be effectively applied to performance monitoring of transportation infrastructure.