Objective of the Shell Solar CIS thin film development is a high performance, high quality module product to be processed in a profitable production line. At the Shell Solar central R&D facility in Munich we develop the 2nd generation CIS modules on 30x30 cm 2 and 60x90 cm 2 substrate formats. The key features are sputter deposition of a Cu-In-Ga-Se precursor, controlled sodium doping and rapid thermal processing (RTP) in a sulfur containing ambient, sputter ZnO window layers and a low-cost frameless module package. For process control at an early stage in-line metrology tools such as photoluminescence lifetime measurements, Raman spectroscopy, and infrared thermography have been implemented in the pilot line. Aperture area efficiency of 30 x 30 cm 2 standard pilot line circuits is 12.3% with tight distribution and peak module efficiencies of 13.4%. We recently started routine processing of 60 x 90 cm 2 modules. The aperture area efficiencies of the 60x90 line average at 12.5% resulting in a total average output power of 60 Wp per module. A first 1.4 kW array was installed on the Munich-site for the evaluation of outdoor performance. Reliability, durability and climate stability of our frame-less glass-glass package is demonstrated following the IEC 61646 protocol, i.e. damp-heat, thermal cycling, humidity-freeze, insulation, wet leakage current, wind load and insulation testing. Aiming at the replacement of Cd from product and production two approaches are developed: a) Chemical bath deposition of Zn(S,OH) compound layers yields 13.2% efficiency on cells and 10.5% on 30x30 cm 2 modules. b) Using (Zn,Mg)O sputter deposition, thereby omitting wet-chemical processes, efficiencies of 11.7% (cell) and 9.1% (30x30% module) have been achieved so far.