Benefit of DDN's IME-Fuse and IME-Lustre file systems for I/O intensive HPC applications
Many scientific applications are limited by I/O performance offered by parallel file systems on conventional storage systems. Flash- based burst buffers provide significant better performance than HDD backed storage, but at the expense of capacity. Burst buffers are consid- ered as the next step towards achieving wire-speed of interconnect and providing more predictable low latency I/O, which are the holy grail of storage. A critical evaluation of storage technology is mandatory as there is no long-term experience with performance behavior for particular applica- tions scenarios. The evaluation enables data centers choosing the right products and system architects the integration in HPC architectures. This paper investigates the native performance of DDN-IME, a flash- based burst buffer solution. Then, it takes a closer look at the IME-FUSE file systems, which uses IMEs as burst buffer and a Lustre file system as back-end. Finally, by utilizing a NetCDF benchmark, it estimates the performance benefit for climate applications.