An Alternating Frequency/Time Domain Method for Calculating the Steady-State Response of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems

tions "done very quickly"? Can it be that the authors have managed to do away with the old faithful quadratic form and found a simpler alternative sign-check? This certainly would be a significant advance in the state of the art. However, short of this miraculous cure, the proposed matrix method is beyond salvation, as shown in the above (i)-(iii). 3 The absence of symmetry is exactly the point: even the two spans in the "equivalent" system were made unequal. This has been done in order to demonstrate that symmetry is not a factor in Maxwell's conceputalization, and that prestress is impossible in any finite mechanism. Although Tarnai's ring (a space truss with bars arranged along the edges of Archimedes' antiprism) indeed possesses an interesting symmetry, this has no relation to its inability to hold a self-stress. In the authors' notation (Reference), both of the systems are characterized identically: s = m = 1, where s is the degree of statical indeterminacy and m is the number of mechanisms. Since both systems are finite mechanisms, neither can be prestressed.