Decentralize, adapt and cooperate
Daniel T. Blumstein | Richard Sosis | John Tooby | Scott Atran | Joshua S. Madin | Joshua S Madin | Dominic D. P. Johnson | Raphael D. Sagarin | Michael E. Hochberg | Geerat J. Vermeij | Terence Taylor | Gregory P. Dietl | Elizabeth M. P. Madin | D. Blumstein | S. Levin | G. Vermeij | J. Tooby | R. Sosis | M. Hochberg | E. Madin | S. Atran | G. Dietl | R. Sagarin | Simon Levin | Candace S. Alcorta | Elizabeth M. Prescott | E. M. Prescott | C. Alcorta | T. Taylor
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