Studies on the Spanish sentimental romance (1440-1550) : redefining a genre
Part 1 Redefining the sentimental: the Old French source of "Siervo libre de amor" - Guillaume de Deguileville's "Le Rommant des trois pelerinages", E. Michael Gerli Medusa's gaze and the canonicity of discourse - Segura's "Processo", Marina Scordilis Brownlee anachronism and the reader's experience - Juan de Segura's "Processo de cartas de amores", Patricia E. Grieve the confrontation between reality and fiction in "Question de amor", Gregory Peter Andrachuk. Part 2 Reshaping the genre: another work by Juan de Flores - "La coronacion de la senora Gracisla", Joseph J. Gwara La "Derrota de amor" de Juan de Flores, Carmen Parrilla Garcia Un mundo al reves - la mujer en las obras de ficcion de Juan de Flores, Regula Rohland de Langbehn Diego de San Pedro's "Arnalte y Lucenda" - subtext for the Cardenio episode of "Don Quijote", Dorothy S. Severin. Part 3 Centrifugal perspectives on a medieval genre: sentimental lore and irony in the 15th-century romances and "Celestina", Ivy A. Corfis resisting readers and writers in the sentimental romances and the problem of female literacy, Barbara F. Weissberger lyric and other verse insertions in sentimental romances, Louise M. Haywood Cardona, the crucifixion and Leriano's last drink, Keith Whinnom.