Simulation and Optimization of Biofilm Activated Sludge Process for the Biological Treatment of Effluents from Cellulose and Viscose Industry

Abstract The BAS (Biofilm Activated Sludge) process is comprised of MBBR (Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor) pre-treatment followed by conventional AS (activated sludge) which presents several advantages in comparison with conventional wastewaters technologies. In this study the BAS process is used for the treatment of wastewaters coming from a viscose and cellulose industry. Initially, the process is simulated using a wastewater process simulator BioWin under the three different scenarios and the experimental results are compared with the simulated results. Later on, the optimization of the process is carried out by the minimization of the operation cost since the nutrient dosage of N and P can be reduced until the COD percentage removal is affected. Finally, the introduction of urban waters together with the industrial wastewaters is studied to minimize the costs of the addition of chemicals nutrients.