Stability analysis of complex dynamical systems

We present two new algorithms to estimate the domain of attraction of the equilibriumx=0 of a nonlinear systemx=f(x). One of these algorithms utilizes quadratic Lyapunov functions while the second algorithm makes use of norm Lyapunov functions. Both of these procedures yield estimates for the domain of attraction which are comparable to those obtained by existing methods; however, the present algorithms appear to be significantly more efficient than existing algorithms.We also show how sometimes the applicability of the above results can be extended to high order systems by invoking the comparison principle. In doing so, we establish some results for the comparison principle which are of interest in their own right. Specifically, we relate the domain of attraction of a low order comparison system to the domain of attraction of a higher order system and we give an interpretation of the comparison principle in terms of stability preserving maps.In order to demonstrate the applicability of the present results, and in order to compare the present results with existing results, several specific examples are presented.