Anthropometry for Computer Graphics Human Figures

Anthropometry as it applies to Computer Graphics is examined in this report which documents the Anthropometry work done in the Computer Graphics Research Laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania from 1986 to 1988. A detailed description of the basis for this work is given along with examples of the variability of computer graphics human figures resulting from this work. Also discussed is the unique and versatile user interface developed to allow easy manipulation of the data used to describe the anthropometric parameters required to define human figure models. The many appendices contain the specifics of our models as well as much of the data used to define the models. Comments University of Pennsylvania Department of Computer and Information Science Technical Report No. MSCIS-89-71. Author(s) Marc R. Grosso, Richard D. Quach, Ernest Otani, Jianmin Zhao, Susanna Wei, Pei-Hwa Ho, Jiahe Lu, and Norman I. Badler This technical report is available at ScholarlyCommons: ANTHROPOMETRY FOR COMPUTER GRAPHICS