Parallel Computer Algebra Software as a Web Component

In the field of computer algebra, joining separate computer a lgebra systems with individual strengths into problem solving environments is an important recent research direction. In this paper we describe how we wrapped a specialized computer algebra syst em, which uses shared-memory parallelism to speed up Gröbner b asis computations, into a Web component that can be used by oth er systems. By this component also a new algorithmic developme nt in Gröbner basis computations—the use of the fractal Gröbner walk—was made available to various general purpose computer algebra systems in the form of a single optimized implementati on. Previously, all of the important algorithmic improvements to an algorithm had to be reimplemented in the general purpose syste ms . Our implementation allows access to the Gröbner basis com putations via “intelligent” graphical user interfaces and vi a scripting from existing general purpose algebra systems.