The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a decentralized intranet access in each medical department as opposed to centralized unique MEDLINE access in the medical library.
A two-phase questionnaire to evaluate MEDLINE use was given to junior and senior physicians at Rouen University Hospital (RUH). Phase I (August-October 1996) corresponded to a time period when centralized access was the only means of access available and phase II (August-October 1997) to a time period following the introduction of decentralized intranet access.
A total of 168 physicians filled out at least one phase of the questionnaire, among whom 123 (73%) filled out both phases. Use of MEDLINE significantly increased in 1997 (average of 10.2+/-1.1 searches in three months) versus 1996 (average of 4.9+/-0.7 searches in three months, P<0.0001). The aim of searches changed, becoming significantly more care oriented in phase II (P<0.0001). The number of searches performed by the physicians alone increased (P<0.0001) and searches performed by the librarian decreased (P<0.0001) in phase II. The method of searches also changed, as searches by author (P< 0.0001), by journal (P = 0.0042), and by free word (P = 0.0027) increased in phase II. Knowledge of the following concepts of MEDLINE significantly increased: explosion (P<0.0001), scope note (P<0.0001), Abridged Index Medicus (AIM) journals (P<0.0001), Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) qualifier (P<0.0001), and focus (P<0.0001).
A decentralized intranet access to MEDLINE increased the number of searches and knowledge of this bibliographic database. MEDLINE intranet access modified the purpose and the methods of searching.
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