Hyperintelligence—a total work support tool
This paper discusses ‘Hyperintelligence’ system and its functions. Hyperintelligence is a total work support system, not only for office works, but also for field works, in which process and transaction information are key factors. When a worker encounters new work, s(he) might refer and re-use a similar work process and its results from the past, to do it efficiently. So, an engineering or business application program generally supports to store the work functions and the results. But, when a worker uses several application programs in a complex manner, only small amount of the work could be accumulated. In Hyperintelligence, working processes and transactions are accumulated automatically, while a worker uses this system. The worker can easily improve either working procedures or transactions independently, to make the work more efficient, and store them in a database. We confirmed that the basic functions of Hyperintelligence are useful, by applying it to two kinds of work; maintenance work and office work using Internet. Permlsslon to make dIgltal/hard copy of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use 1s granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage, the copymght notice, the title of the pubhcatlon and Its date appear, and notice IS given that copying 1s by perm]sslon of ACM, Inc. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. DOC 95-10/95 Savannah, Georgia, U S A @ 1995 ACM 0-S9791-713-8/95 /0010,, $3.50 Introduction It has been a long time since computers were introduced to almost all phases of work in business and engineering fields. But, computer application systems (after this called as APs) to support these works tended to be developed for each specific area. Therefore, one application was unable to use data of another application. Recently, as computer platforms, hardware, the OS, etc. have been developed to push the trend of open system environment, users are likely to operate several functions and various kinds of media data simultaneously on a computer. Moreover, computers are being used to connect to remote systems, as well as running desktop applications. In addition, several new mechanisms have been developed in recent APs, for example, hypermedia system to link different information items, and OLE to make compound documents of several media data [1] [2] [3] [5] [6]. With these mechanisms, users have become free to handle various media, made in various phases. Under such environments, remain the following problems for handling several APs in complex manner. No idea is given, how to make a good proposal, as if made by an expert. No idea is given, how to make readable documents, as if made by a proficient worker. No method is given, how to preserve processes of past work easily, as a reference model of future work. Users hope to have a system, which gives advise from views of an expert or proficient worker, and supports the work with the examples of past good work.
[1] Wendy Hall. Towards Industrial Strength Hypermedia , 1995 .
[2] Associates,et al. Documentation Development Methodology: Techniques for Improved Communications , 1983 .
[3] Mikio Sasaki,et al. HyperFrame: a hypermedia framework for integration of engineering applications , 1993, SIGDOC '93.