The Temperature Dependence of Spectral Broadening in the Hg (61S0-63P1) Multiplet At High Optical Densities.

A new method has been developed for determining rapidly changing translational temperatures in a gas that has been heated by such transient phenomena as the passage of a shock wave or the absorption of sub-microsecond pulses of radiation from an infrared laser. The method depends upon the use of trace amounts of Hg vapor and its absorption of radiation in the neighborhood of the 253.7 nm isotopic and hyperfine multiplet. As the Hg atoms sense changes in the translational temperature of the host gas, the absorption of 253.7 nm radiation also changes by virtue of the Doppler and Lorentz broadening of the multiplet lines. Emission spectra of a Hg discharge light source in the neighborhood of 253.7 nm were shown to be readily simulated by a two zone computer model even at large optical densities. The same lamp parameters that were used in these calculations could also be used to simulate the experimental pressure and temperature dependence of the total integrated absorption. This provided a means for obtaining the temperature calibration curves needed to monitor the changing translational temperature of a gas undergoing rapid heating or cooling.