Video Watermarking Scheme Based on DWT, SVD, Rail Fence for Quality Loss of Data

Watermarking is a technique of embedding an imperceptible signal known as watermark in the form of text, audio into digital media in such way a way so that intruder does not get any access to misuse the data to ensure copyright protection and ownership identification. The proposed work presents a hybrid watermarking technique that merges Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT), and Rail Fence methods applied on digital media in the form of images and videos. The proposed method will work on embedding of watermark in videos of various formats available now a day's thus ensuring quality of videos after insertion of watermark. The scheme will target high frequency sub bands formed from frames of the video. Different attacks have been imposed on the watermarked video to measure the robustness and efficiency of proposed scheme. The major challenge faced while insertion of watermark is that the quality of video gets lost after insertion of watermark. The proposed scheme is intended to solve the given problem.