The Literacy Lexicon
Introduction I. FOUNDATIONS 1. Literacy and Social Minds, James Paul Gee. 2. Language and Cultural Process, Colin Lankshear. 3. Critical Literacies and Cultural Studies, Allan Luke, Barbara Comber and Jennifer O'Brien. 4. The Role of a Functional Grammar in Development of a Critical Literacy, Frances Christie. 5. Genre Theory, Gunther Kress. II. KNOWLEDGE 6. Using Children's Literature to Support Children's Learning: An Investigation of Pedagogy of Literature, Geoff Bull. 7. Re-examining Pedagogical Knowledge and Classroom Practice, Michele Anstey & Geoff Bull. 8. Analyzing Literacy Practice, Michele Anstey. 9. Literacy Strategies for Learning, Nea Stewart-Dore. III. APPLICATION 10. Categories and Sense-Making in the Talk and Texts of Schooling, Peter Freebody and Carolyn Baker. 11. Gender Talk and Silence: Speaking and Listening as Social Practice, Pam Gilbert. 12. Reading, Gender and Culture in Media Discourses and Texts, Carmen Luke. 13. Hypermedia or Media Hype? New Technologies and the Future of Literacy Education, Bill Green and Chris Bigum. 14. Reading, Knowledge about the Language and Genre Theory, Jennifer Hammond. IV. IMPLEMENTATION 15. Issues in Language Policy Development, John Dwyer. 16. Literacy Assessment, Christina van Kraayenoord. 17. Teaching Literacy: Teachers' Practical Theories, Perc Marland.