Базовая ролевая ДП-модель
This article represents a base role DP-model constructed on the basis of group rolebased access control (RBAC) models and DP-models computer systems with discretionary or mandatory access control. The singularities of functioning modern computer systems take into account in base role DP-model including distinctions in conditions of functioning and the cooperation of trusted and nontrusted user sessions, in conditions of realization of information flows by memory or by time, and also possibility of getting the nontrusted session control above the trusted session while realization of information flows by memory on entity which is functionally associated with the trusted session. Monotonous and nonmonotonic rules of transformation of conditions of system are described in details and analyzed while sets of actual roles, rights of access and possible actions of the nontrusted sessions are used. Sufficient conditions of access rights transfer roles are substantiated by user sessions