High resolution method of direct measurement of the magnetic field lines' eigen frequencies

Abstract The simultaneous observations of Pc4 geomagnetic pulsations at the two temporary stations, located along the geomagnetic meridian 50 km to the North and South from the observatory Borok (L = 2.8), have been used for the investigation of amplitude gradients of both H- and D-components of these pulsations. It has been discovered that the direction of a meridional component of the gradient H (gradMH) depends on the frequency ƒ of a spectral component of pulsations. The gradMD is directed more or less permanently northward independently from the frequency ƒ These results are the consequence of a local amplification of geomagnetic pulsations due to Alfven waves resonance along the magnetic field lines. It has been demonstrated that the frequencies ƒR for which the northward direction of gradMH is replaced by the southward one (with increasing ƒ) can be interpreted as the eigen frequencies of the field line which intersects the meridian in the middle between two temporary stations, i.e. in Borok. The possible applications of a gradient method of measurement of the magnetic field lines' eigen frequencies are discussed.