OntosFeeder - A Versatile Semantic Context Provider for Web Content Authoring

As the amount of structured information available on the Web as Linked Data has reached a respectable size. However, the question arises, how this information can be operationalised in order to boost productivity. A clear improvement over the keyword-based document retrieval as well as the manual aggregation and compilation of facts is the provision of contextual information in an integrated fashion. In this demo, we present the Ontos Feeder - a system serving as context information provider, that can be integrated into Content Management Systems in order to support authors by supplying additional information on the fly. During the creation of text, relevant entities are highlighted and contextually disambiguated; facts from trusted sources such as DBpedia or Freebase are shown to the author. Productivity is increased, because the author does not have to leave her working environment to research facts, thus media breaks are avoided. Additionally, the author can choose to annotate the created content with RDFa or Microformats, thus making it "semantic-ready" for indexing by the new generation of search engines. The presented system is available as Open Source and was adapted for WordPress and Drupal.